We want to help companies realize their full international potential.
To do this we need a team that is willing and able to recognize and develop their own potential.
We are looking for courageous people with the right and important questions.
We are looking for people who see more in their work than exchanging their time for money.
We are looking for people who want to find happiness as employees with us.
We are looking for collaboration with freelancers and partners who want to grow with us in the long term.
For all operational functions, we are looking for people with experience and the desire to help other people find the best in themselves. We are looking for managers who want and can listen, communicate and guide.
We are looking for people who want to take responsibility and work with enthusiasm on expansions and improvements.
For the continuous maintenance and expansion of our software platform, we are looking for experienced and inexperienced professionals, developers and designers who will continuously maintain the software and infrastructure and expand it with creative discipline.
We are looking for people who will not let go of our customers' problems until they are solved. We are looking for people who carry out tasks conscientiously and ensure that agreements and deadlines are adhered to in a meticulous but friendly manner.
For several years we have been working primarily based on the mobile working model. The distance between the office location and home is therefore only important for work that requires being present in the office.
We are looking for people who ask the right and important questions. Interested applicants send us a maximum of ten questions.
No cover letter, no personal information, no curriculum vitae, just a maximum of ten questions.
We look forward to every single question and every person we get to know.
Translation Status:
Rummelstraße 11
67655 Kaiserslautern
Register court: District Court of Kaiserslautern
Register number: HRB 31620
VAT ID number: DE293589759
Managing Director: Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Alexander Gansel
Fill out the contact form
Book Phone or Video Conference
De-Mail: mail@dutypay.de-mail.de
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