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Explore Customs Compliance

Orientation and Strategic Fields of Action for Sustainable Success


Understanding Relevance

Customs have a significant impact on the success of companies in international trade. Compliance with customs regulations prevents penalties and delays, which in turn ensures an efficient supply chain and satisfied customers.

A correct customs procedure and the correct classification of goods are crucial for cost management. Companies that declare goods correctly avoid unnecessary costs and can benefit from trade agreements.

Customs compliance is crucial for international business success.

Knowing the Regulatory Framework

Customs in the European Union are subject to certain regulations and laws, in particular the Customs Code Regulation and the Union Customs Application Regulation. These determine criteria for customs processing, such as goods subject to duty or applicable customs tariffs. In addition to the EU directives, international trade agreements determine customs procedures. If companies fail to comply with customs regulations, they face customs penalties, fines and, in serious cases, criminal prosecution. It is therefore essential for companies in international trade to comply with applicable regulations.

Using Information and Communication Systems

The use of information and communication systems is essential in customs processing. They enable companies to submit electronic customs declarations, pay customs fees online and track the status of customs clearance in real time.

Special software and electronic platforms are crucial tools for complying with customs regulations. It offers functions for automatic calculations and creation of necessary documents. In addition, electronic communication with customs authorities enables efficient collaboration and significantly accelerates the customs clearance process.

The important customs clearance systems in the European Union include AES (= Automated Export Service) , ACS (=Automated Customs System) and TARIC (=Integrated Tariff of the Community). These systems are provided by the customs authorities and are accessible to all companies.

Meeting Compliance Requirements

Correct handling of customs procedures is crucial for companies that operate internationally. This includes determining the correct customs tariff number, accurately calculating customs fees, presenting the necessary customs documents and conscientiously carrying out the prescribed customs procedures. These steps are essential for compliance with applicable regulations and for smooth cross-border trade.

For customs compliance, companies can rely on customs authorities' websites, European Commission publications and expert services. Compliance avoids legal consequences and allows companies to realize their full international potential.

Translation Status: Machine Translation

Compliance Domain

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  • Value Added Tax
  • Electric Battery
  • Invoicing
  • Accounting
  • Data Protection
  • Digital Identity
  • Anti Money Laundering
  • Intrastat
  • Coffee Tax
  • Packaging
  • Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
  • Customs

Legal Disclosure

DutyPay GmbH

Rummelstraße 11
67655 Kaiserslautern

Registry Information

Register court: District Court of Kaiserslautern
Register number: HRB 31620
VAT ID number: DE293589759
Managing Director: Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Alexander Gansel

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E-Mail: zentrale@dutypay.eu
De-Mail: mail@de-mail.dutypay.eu

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